Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Currently im thinking of him<3
This something describe what im thinking exactly bout him
These are some lines from twilight that really describe him at most of him<3
This is how BELLA describe Edward ;
and what him<3 really make of.xP
but as I know his not vampire* hahaha

Edward in the sunlight was shocking . I couldn't get used to it , though I'd been staring at him all afternoon.His skin, white despair the faint flush form yesterday's hunting trip , literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds, were embedded in the surface. He lay perfectly still in the grass , his shirt open over his sculpted, incadescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. His glistening pale lavender lids were shut,though of course he din't sleep.

A perfect statue. Craved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble,glittering like crystal.
His angel's face was only few inches from mine. I might have- should have-flinched away from his unexpected closeness, but I was unable to move.His gold eyes mesmerized me

<3 him
the love of her life ;
Adrenline pulsed through my veins as the realization of danger slowly sank in.
his my prince to my fairy takes
When he hold me ; I shivered, as I heard him catch his breath .
His hands din't pause as they softly moved to my shoulders; and ther i know he will always be with me
At that time; i wish it was forever .
When i was with him ;

blood boiled under my skin, burned in my lips. My breath came in a wild gasp. My fingers knotted in his hair clutching him to me .

You're intoxicated be my very presence

prince, hold me very close to you;

as you promised you'll never leave

and eternity as what we both wish for